
The Loudest Concert Of The Year At CitiField Cona residents are taking action against th NOISE UPDATE 4.3.2023 by Councilmember Moya's community liaison Ms. Jones, who spoke at a Dorie Miller Housing Shareholders meeting  on 3.29.2023 . The Concert noise at Citifield was brought to Moya's office attention in September of 2022. On March of 2023, five months later and after Ms. Jones was submitting the noise complaint to the Mayors office and the Police department, Ms. Jones had no answers, and the best she could tell the shareholders was a typical political lip-service line, quote: "We are looking into what we can best do. We know its a big issue over at Dorie Miller and Meadow Minor". After Ms. Jones' statement, Shareholders came to the conclusion that again we are getting Lip-service from Moya's office, just like we are getting about the Hinton Park violations and the 11 Homeless shelders in Moys district.  THE LOUDEST CONCERT IN 2022 5 Bands were  cancelled